USB IO Module

LucidControl USB IO Modules

  • Data acquisition and control

  • Cost effective and flexible

  • Platform independent

  • Windows® and Linux

  • Compatible with RPi

  • DIN-Rail enclosure

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  • Industrial & home automation

USB Digital Input Module with 4 Channels

USB Digital Input Module

LucidControl Product Series

  • 4/8/16 digital inputs

  • 3 voltage level options

  • Opto insulated contacts

  • Counters and edge detectors

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USB Digital Output Module with 4 Output Channels

USB Digital Output Module

LucidControl Product Series

  • Opto insulated option

  • 4/8/16 digital outputs

  • Relay module option

  • Pulse width modulation and timers

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  • Switching and power control applications

USB Analog Input Module - 4 Voltage Input Channels

USB Analog Input Module

LucidControl Product Series

  • Measurement range options

  • 4/8 analog inputs

  • e.g. 0 ~ 10 V or -10 ~ 10 V

  • 12 bit resolution

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  • Acquisition of sensor signals

USB Analog Output Module - 4 Voltage / Current Channels

USB Analog Output Module

LucidControl Product Series

  • 4/8 analog outputs

  • Output range options

  • e.g. 0 ~ 10 V or -10 ~ 10 V

  • 12 bit resolution

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  • 0 ~ 10 V control applications

USB RTD Input Module

USB RTD Input Module

LucidControl Product Series

  • 4/8 Pt100 / Pt1000 RTD inputs

  • Temperature range: -180 ~ 180 °C

  • 0.1 °C resolution

  • Heat control applications

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  • Logging of temperatures

The LucidControl USB IO Module Series

USB IO Module

The LucidControl USB IO Module collection must be considered as a good selection anytime automation tasks are demanded in a project. The product range provides powerful Plug-and-Play USB IO Modules providing outstanding functions changing every computer to a data acquisition, monitoring and control system.

The flexible LucidControl USB IO Devices are best suited to manage power loads like fans, pumps or even lamps by capturing as well as generating digital as well as analog lines such as resistances, clocks, currents and temperatures.

Not only being ready for realizing automation projects, LucidControl USB IO Modules are generally designed in order to satisfy a large number of significant standards for business purposes like workbench automation.

The potential of installing the IO Units on standard DIN-Rails is just one benefit that is pointed out here. This specific capability allows the integration of the USB IO Modules into switchboards of an automized system.

The high quality modules are ready for professional applications and they also come with reliable industrial standard I/O connectors. Particularly this specific feature, in combination with the possibility to install the USB IO Modules on DIN-Rails means they are the perfect solution for industrial automation projects like switch boards.

LucidControl USB IO Modules are portable and additionally they work on different computer operating systems like Linux and Microsoft Windows®. Thanks to the standardised device driver, which is included in most current operating-systems, immediate installation can be executed very easily in a few minutes.

LucidControl USB IO Modules are suitable for the very popular and powerful TIs BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi single board computers. Utilizing these types of computer boards makes the creation of web and smartphone software easy.

All USB IO Modules can all be handled by using the same user-friendly application making working with the modules very simple. After a computer accessed the unit on its Universal Serial Bus interface starts promptly. Utilizing the available terminal application makes dealing with the IO Modules hassle-free and multiple IO units connected to a dedicated computer can be utilized properly. SDKs designed for many complete the software bundle and give entire access to entirely all of the LucidControl devices units.

Convert a computer to a data acquisition and control platform

The USB IO Modules are versatile for numerous automation projects. Almost everywhere where signals have to be acquired and generated for example within the factory floor automation section, the units can be used to manage electrical loads such as lawn sprinklers or fans.

Standard jobs like designing a time switch or even more sophisticated automation functions like measuring as well as recording of temperature or moisture could be realized easily by employing these USB IO Devices.

LucidControl USB IO Modules are also focused on energy saving area because of being able to measure environmental data including temperatures and humidity.

By providing clocked output lines and standardized analog 0-10V signals, valves, pumps as well as mixers of a central heating system can be managed based on measured environmental inputs.

In the do it yourself sector these affordable LucidControl modules can be used to handle e.g. making for example different lightning surroundings. Not forgetting that all functions can be operated over the web even by using smartphones.

After USB Module is connected to the Net there are actually zero limitations in possibilites.

Wide Number Of USB Analog IO and USB Digital IO interfaces

Our firms focus is it to equip LucidControl USB IO Modules with lots of interfaces to make these products ready for all projects.

For digital IO signals the LucidControl DO4 – USB Digital Output Module and the LucidControl DI4 – USB Digital Input Module are available. The Digital Output Module is also available with a Relay Option.

Analog IO Signals can be processed by the LucidControl AO4 – USB Analog Output Module and the LucidControl AI4 – USB Analog Input Module. The Modules can be used in order to create 0-10V and 4-20mA interfaces.

The LucidControl RT4 – USB RTD Input Module allows the measurement of temperatures

Compatible with Raspberry Pi® and TI BBB computer boards

RaspberryPi3 Web

The computer based LucidControl USB IO modules can be utilized with nearly all computer systems operating with Linux and Microsoft Windows.

In addition cheap and small computer boards such as the RaspberryPi and the TI Beagle Bone Black, which provide Universal Serial Bus ports, mouse, keyboard and display interfaces, are devoted working together with the USB modules.

Due to the supported Linux operating-system these mini computer boards are ready to address lots of duties easily. Many software applications such as Web servers as well as solid databases can help you, are available on the Web and can be downloaded – often free of charge.

Once an Internet server was set up, the USB IO Module is all over the world reachable with all of its functionality remotely stable by web browsers. Observing as well as saving of gathered data as well as events is possible at minimal work using a reliable data base like MySQL.

There are many example programs available explaining using LucidControl USB IO products.

Documentation & and Software

The offered documentation may be very comprehensive and supply along with the guides important information such as ideas for different applications.

The command line tool is compatible with all LucidControl USB IO Modules and may be used as a instant start in order to control and config them without any single line of programming.

Because this command line tool grants complete access to the USB IO Modules and it is available for most leading operating systems without requiring set up, this software reduces development time to a minimum and additionally improves the time to enter the market.

The console program is perfect suited to develop portable applications that are necessary for web access straightforward. Popular programming languages like Python and Java® are supported through the API.

Due to the extensive user manual, the USB units can be included in other software development languages without trouble.

Our Support and Concept

Being not not just a distributor of LucidControl USB IO Modules, but the designer and manufacturer and we utilize them for our personal tasks.

The LucidControl USB IO product series tries to make the start into this control system as simple as possible but should there arise any issue, that cannot be sorted out on a first glance, we will do our very best to find a solution.

The hardware as well as the software follow a modular and consistent approach which is clear developed and extendable.

On customers demand we can create value added add on extensions offering extra functions with no need of modifying the basic principle of a LucidControl USB IO device.

Since the flexible software can be modified in the field without extra equipment, functionality or modifications could be applied quite simply – your funding is protected in the future.

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