Chip Module Processing Machine - CPM
Initialization & Pre-Personalization
  • Contact & contact less chip modules
  • ISO 14443 A/B & ISO 7816
  • Small Footprint
  • For develpment & production
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Universal RFID Reader
RFID solution for ePass and eGovernment
  • ISO 14443 A/B compatible
  • 50 Ohm RF interface
  • 3-way antenna switch available
  • PCSC driver and SDK included
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3-way Antenna Switch Add-On
Handling of multiplexed RFID antennas
  • Reliable electronic RF switch
  • No mechnical switching parts
  • Low insertion loss
  • For terminals, test equipment, etc.
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RFID Chip Module Test Unit
Chip Module Test Unit
Contact inspection of contactless chips
  • Full access to the RFID chip module
  • Personalization and testing
  • Process 21 RFID chip modules in parallel
  • Available for MCC8, MOA2 chip modules
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Equipment for Testing and Pre-Initialization of Chip Modules

Our test and pre-initialization equipment for contact and contact less technology is useful in production facilities as well as development or quality control labs. It is based on our URM RFID Reader Module which gives full control over the RFID functionality of any chip module.

This overview explains the different components that can helpful in your production environment.

Processing of RFID Chip Modules without Antenna

RFID Chip Modules are typically delivered on a 35mm tape.
At some point of the production process the Chip Modules are punched out, placed on a substrate and connected to an antenna, forming an transponder.
After the transponder antenna has been connected, the chip module can be accessed via the RFID interface.
But how to check e.g. the incoming RFID Chip Modules from the supplier on the 35mm tape?

At this point our solutions come into the game.
Our contactless Encoding Head connects the two terminals of the RFID Chip Module by test pins. Via the conductive connection our technology allows to process the RFID Chip Module by using our standard URM RFID Reader.

RFID Chip Module Test Unit

CME-21 – Contactless Chip Module Encoding Head with 21 Positions.

Testing and pre-initialization tasks for RFID Chip Modules are often a time consuming production process and it is necessary to operate in parallel. When a RFID Chip Module is tested or pre-personalized a big amount of data might be transferred to the RFID Chip Module what can take several seconds per Module.

Our CME-21 contactless Encoding Head allows to process up to 21 RFID Chip Modules in parallel what increases the throughput enormously. Each of the 21 test positions is connected to one dedicated URM RFID Reader by a RF cable.

The contactless Encoding Head is typically mounted on a movable axis. When the axis moves down the test pins establish a conductive contact with the RFID Chip Module terminals.

On the host computer there are 21 independent instances of the URM RFID Reader available. These units can be accessed by a application in parallel. For these application the standard API can be used but we have also an optimized Linux API available.

This solution explains the available technology which is scalable and adaptable to your needs. E.g. it is possible to extend the Encoding Head to 42 positions or to adapt it to other module types.

The Encoding Head is compatible with most ISO 14443 A/B contactless Chip Modules e.g. IFX SLE78, NXP P5 or P60 in MCC8 / MOA2 lead frames.

The integration of this technology into an exiting or planed machine is typically realized together with the customer. Please contact us for further information.

CPM – Chip Module Processing Machine

Initialization and Pre-Personalization of Contact and Contact less Chip Modules

The picture shows a typical configuration of the CMT with two encoding heads located at the middle section.

The CPM is the perfect turnkey chip module initialization and pre-personalization solution for production, development and testing of contact and contactless chip modules.
It is the industry proven and cost effective solution for labs, chip card production facilities and chip OS / Applet development.

  • Up to two independent encoding heads
  • ISO 14443 A/B contact less Chip Modules
  • ISO 7816 6 and 8 contact chip modules
  • Reel-to-Reel handling of 35mm tapes
  • Optical inspection & bad parts punch
  • Compact dimensions: 140cm x 50cm

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6-way RFID Chip Module Test Unit

With the RFID Chip Module Test Unit it is possible to access up to 6 MOA2 / MCC8 RFID Chip Modules subsequently. The device contacts the RFID Chip Modules by test pins and allows to test, initialize or pre-personalize RFID Chip Modules. The integration of the RFID Chip Module Test Unit is straight forward because it is controlled fully by the URM RFID Reader.