LucidIoT introduces IoT and many other functions to the LucidControl. LucidIoT is a secure network IO controller for acquisition and control of analog and digital signals. It can interface with up to 16 analog or digital IO channels.
LucidIoT is configurable and available with many options, which can be selected on the product page.
The picture beside shows the LIOT-DO8-I-DO8-I which is able to control 16 digital output channels.
If it is for example necessary to control 8 digital output and 4 analog 0-10V output channels, the LIOT-DO8-I-AO4-10V is the matching product configuration.
LucidIoT is a customizable data acquisition and control solution providing up the 16 IO channels.
LucidIoT allows installation of two IO slots 0 and 1. Each IO slot provides its own function class and type. A function class is e.g. digital output or analog input and define the general functionality of the IO slot. The function type specifies details of the function class like input voltage range.
A slot of the IoT controller can be configured in the following function classes:
- Isolated Digital Input with 8 Channels (DI8) with 5V, 10V or 24V
- Isolated Digital Output with 8 Channels (DO8) with solid state relays
- Analog Input with 4/8 Channels (AI4/AI8) with e.g. 5V, 10V, 24V or 0-20mA
- Analog Output with 4/8 Channels (AO4/AO8) with e.g. 5V, 10V, 24V or 4-20mA
- RTD Input with 8 Channels (RI8) for Pt100 and Pt1000 Temperature Sensors
Each function class is available with different function types.
LucidIoT supports 10/100 Mbit Ethernet links and IPv4 and IPv6.
Low level protocols like NetBIOS, DHCP, DNS and TCP are provided.
Protocol Security
IoT devices are exposed to the Internet and security of the communication protocols is important. For many cloud services TLS/SLL is expected. LucidIoT supports a fast hardware implementation of cryptographic functions and supports X.509 certificates and private/public key encryption.
Responsive and Secure Web Pages
HTTPS offers the most convenient way to access LucidIoT values and configuration parameters. Also on mobile devices or tablet computers the responsive web design looks great.
In addition, customized web pages can be stored in the internal memory of LucidIoT. This allows the user e.g. to present measured data in a specific format.
MQTT Connectivity
MQTT is a simple standardized protocol made for exchanging e.g. measurement data. Many cloud servers like Amazon AWS support this protocol what allows LucidIoT to exchange data with nearly all infrastructures.
Moreover, MQTT opens the world to many smart home automation software like Home Assistant or openHAB.
Modbus/TCP Connectivity
Modbus/TCP is used by many automation devices. It allows LucidIoT to be integrated into existing systems supporting the protocol.
FTP Server
FTP gives access to the internal file system. This is very handy e.g. to download data log files to a local computer.
The JSON REST API is a secure and easy way to access LucidIoT values and configuration parameters. The device can execute and respond to JSON formatted requests
Data Logging Function
LucidIoT logs IO values (e.g. temperatures or voltages) with a time stamp to a data log file.
Synchronized Realtime Clock
The system clock can by synchronized by SNTP servers. It supports different time zones.
The system clock is used in many places, e.g. generating an accurate time stamp for the data logging function.
Internal File System
The file system provides 4 GByte of internal memory which can be used for data logging function. Files are accessible via FTP server.
User Access Management
Access to LucidIoT tunctions is controlled by the user access management. This allows the administrator to set up user accounts with restricted access rights.
System Diagnostic Function
The system diagnostic function logs system data to a log file.
It gives an overview of the resources and informs the user e.g. about configuration problems.
Easy Setup
LucidIoT is prepared to be installed in a switch cabinet. It has a wide-range 9-24V power supply and can be mounted on industry DIN-Rails.
The plug-able industry IO terminals ensure reliable connections to power supply and IO signals.
Device Compatibility
LucidIoT is compatible with software tools of the LucidControl series. Basic function of LucidIoT are accessible e.g. by the LucidIoCtrl command line tool.
This makes it easy for the user to migrate existing LucidControl installations to LucidIoT.
Firmware Update
Since IoT devices are exposed to the Internet, security risks must be closes quickly.
LucidIoT firmware is active developed and updates can be loaded to the device.
Developer Support
LucidIoT can be interfaced with many development environments. SDK/API are available for .NET and Python platforms.
Using the JSON REST API, developers can build their own interfaces based on the fully documented protocol.
Customized Solutions
We are the developer and manufacturer of LucidIoT and we are specialized in developing customized solutions which are not available in the standard configurations.
Please contact us if you have a special request.
Field of Applications
Industry 4.0
LucidIoT is best prepared for Industry 4.0 applications. The wide range of protocols makes communication with other components easy.
Data Monitoring & Logging
Send process data to the network or log them continuously on the internal file system for later inspection.
Manage Enterprise-Resource-Planning
LucidIoT can support your ERP system with realtime process data from your production facility.
Smart Home Automation
Integrate LucidIoT into popular smart home automation software like Home Assistant or openHAB.
Many home automation software support data exchange via a MQTT broker like Eclipse Mosquitto.
LucidIoT can publish values like temperatures or voltages to the MQTT broker and exchange data with the home automation software. In reverse it is also possible to control LucidIoT outputs by automations.